These are 5 of the best street food places in Medellín that captivated us with their history, their unconventional settings, the characters that usually serve them, and their recipes that have become legend.
Sweethearts on the tram
Walking along the tramway is an inexcusable plan to discover a piece of the eastern part of the city, heritage buildings, a path of silleteros and new appropriations of public space. Therefore, if after taking the tram, after 5:30 pm on any day, you dare to walk up or down Ayacucho, we recommend you try the carimañolas on Giraldo street, they are tasty and elegant, not to mention that they have the seasoning from three regions: the Caribbean recipe, the Venezuelan chefs and the residence in Medellín. There is mushroom, meat, sandwich, mushroom, ripe banana, spinach (all with cheese) and the jumbo that can weigh almost 1 kilo. To dress, they offer more than 5 artisan sauces (among them one called Orgasmic- that is impossible for us to describe with words).

guac puppies
Next to a famous “brothel” in front of the San Diego shopping center there is a small dog stand that is full of guacamole. They are so sought after that, of his team of five people to attend to the clientele, there is only one in charge of chopping the onion and tomato that complements his delicious guacamolera salad. They are just as nocturnal as their fellow neighbor and work every day to satisfy party hungers and inopportune cravings.

Chunchurria of "El Mocho"
In Buenos Aires, close to the tram, is the most famous chunchurria stand in all of Medellín: "El Mocho", which bears that name thanks to its owner, who started in the chunchurria business at the age of 12 and has already one 30 years propagating like a legend and consolidating itself as a luxury supplier of its already seasoned product to other chunchurria stalls in the city, all in honor of the collegiality. And although some will say that they are not very fond of this type of recipe, this chunchurria tastes just right and shines for its good name.

burgers under the bridge
There are street stands and street stalls, this is the second. Under the Guayabal bridge with 10th street, there are almost 30 meters under the bridge roof arranged for a "gourmet" grill and the comfort of its customers. Anyone who goes there and dares to try it will be captivated by the cuts of meat that are only seasoned by good technique, cement and car whistles. Recommended sirloin steak, rump tip and hamburgers with well-roasted meat weighing 200 grams.

Patacon with coastal whey
To save the UdeA university students from student hunger -with university salaries-, they invented a curve in which almost 20 food stalls are housed just by crossing a pedestrian bridge, to feed brains. Most of them sell burritos, but the fastest, lightest, most vegetarian and suggested format is the patacon from Las delicias de mi pueblo. Guacamole, hogao, coastal whey and slice of cheese... and study!

To know more places of street food in Medellín click here.