I remember that when I was 17 years old and had to start university I had a dilemma. I really liked business, but I felt a great duty to help people. I felt a bit selfish in choosing a career such as International Business, where most of the time it's about enriching a company.
A teacher at school, who has always been a great advisor, told me that instead of thinking about which career to choose, I should think about what I could or could not really do with it: Could I mix my tastes and my passions to create something or join a project that had a positive impact, that helped people? At that time I did not think of tourism as a life option, but today that I dedicate myself to it, I realize that I did exactly what he advised me.
I ended up studying International Business, then a technology in Tourist Guidance and now I dedicate my life to tourism. Here are the 3 reasons why I chose this sector and I do not regret it:
1. Enjoy every day at work
I am convinced that I am not cut out to work in an office every day. I knew that from the beginning. In 2018 I started a project called NOMAD, which offers cultural and nature experiences in Antioquia. Thanks to this I can (and should) be constantly looking for new experiences that my clients can enjoy. This means that my job to a certain extent is to explore, something that I love. Walking through forests, ravines and mountains, thinking how I can create unforgettable moments for other people is something that I am passionate about and that I thank this profession all the time. Also, the interaction I have with other cultures teaches me things every day, my clients teach me new ways of looking at life.

2. Generate progress in communities
I have realized the effect that tourist activities can have on destinations. At this point is where I was able to solve the dilemma I had in the beginning. Through tourism I have been able to connect people from very different worlds, who would surely never meet. By bringing new people to the communities with which I work, connections are generated, both parties gain knowledge and achieve an exchange of cultural knowledge. At the same time, the tourist generates an economic spillover in the place and ends up benefiting people who are really in vulnerable conditions.
The best example of this I am currently experiencing. With the coronavirus crisis, I decided to manage some markets for the El Faro neighborhood, where I do one of my experiences, and its people are the main protagonists of it. I contacted all the people who have visited this place, telling them how bad the people in the neighborhood are having it. Finally, we ended up bringing together 183 markets that received the people in greatest need and brought some relief at a time of great uncertainty and economic deficiency. As they made donations, people mentioned to me that they felt happy to help a community that had received them warmly, from which they had learned a lot and from which they took exciting memories.

3. Transform the image of Colombia
More than 90% of my clients are foreigners. Each of them arrives in the country with an image. My job is to understand it and make sure they leave with experiences and stories that bring them closer to reality. It is no secret that our country still has a bad reputation, in certain areas, abroad. However, through interaction with people from other countries I have realized how little by little this image is changing positively. Ultimately, this ends up greatly benefiting the country, more and more people come, a greater economic spillover is generated and our sense of belonging increases in the face of the natural and cultural wonders of Colombia.
Even with tourism currently reduced to zero, I do not regret having chosen this sector to undertake. I am convinced that we will get ahead and that tourism, once the virus is over, will be one of the industries that will contribute the most to the recovery of the economy and well-being of our country.